The Who is Who : Dr Zakir Hussain

Dr Zakir is having 27+ Year’s of experience in Corporate and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA). Recently he led roles as CISO, Chief Ethical Hacker, Digital Risk Assessor, Chief Digital Officer, Cyber Intelligence Officer, IR-Breach Commander, Policing etc.

He Worked Globally and Lived in USA, UK, Japan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, India.

He led Business and Technology leadership roles in MNCs, eGov(Smart Nation), Smart-Cities, NGOs, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) and more

Expertise: He hold 360-degree Cyberspace expertise including – Cyber-Crime, Cross-Border-Investigations, Cyber-Law, Cyber-GRC, Cyber Forensics, Cyber-Insurance, Cyber-Breach, Cyber-Security, Scam & Frauds, Ethical-Hacking, Cyber-Range, Engineering, Cognitive-SOC, Cloud & Data, Multiverse Police, Virtually Universe (Metaverse & Multiverse).

In the past, He worked for DXC-HP, NEOM- Kearney, Indian Police, Qatar Police-KPMG, Ministry of ICT, Ministry of Education, Sidra Medicine – Malomatia, InterCyberPOL, Cyber Policing, Cyber Space Council, CERT, Public Safety, Fujitsu, Toyota, Symbions, Colt, MCI WorldCom and supported top Fortune companies, Smart Cities, and GOV agencies globally.

  • Member of consortium for FBI, Interpol, Universal Policing, Smart City Police, Multiverse Police.
  • Advisor to Startups, Academics and Non-Profit Organizations.

He hold Bachelors and Masters degree in Electronics and Telecommunications and PhD in Computer science.