Dr. Zakir Hussain, CXO, CISO, Director, Advisor, Policing
Dr Zakir is having 27+ Year’s of experience in Corporate and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA). Led roles as CISO, Chief Ethical Hacker, Digital Risk Assessor, Chief Digital Officer, Cyber Intelligence Officer, IR-Breach Commander, Policing etc.
Worked Globally and Lived in USA, UK, Japan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, India.
Transformed Businesses, eGov(Smart Nation), Smart-Cities, Communities and more
Expertise: 360-degree Cyberspace – Cyber-Crime, Cross-Border-Investigations, Cyber-Law, Cyber-GRC, Cyber Forensics, Cyber-Insurance, Cyber-Breach, Cyber-Security, Scam & Frauds, Ethical-Hacking, Cyber-Range, Engineering, Cognitive-SOC, Cloud & Data and Virtually Universe (Meta).
In the past, He worked with DXC-HP, Ministry of ICT, InterCyberPOL, Cyber Policing, Cyber Space Council, CERT, Public Safety, Fujitsu, Symbions, MCI WorldCom and supported top Fortune companies, Smart Cities, and GOV agencies globally.
Member of consortium for FBI, Interpol, Universal Policing, Smart City Police, Multiverse Police.
Advisor to Startups, Academics and Non-Profit Organizations.
He hold Bachelors and Masters degree in Electronics and Telecommunications and PhD in Computer science.